Over $25,000 Donated in 2023!

  • Photo credit: USFWS

  • Friends of Midway Atoll

    Supported by Albatross Prints
    Shop Albatross Prints

    FOMA plays a pivotal role in the conservation and restoration of Midway’s natural and historic and cultural resources through financial and volunteer support; dynamic outreach and education; effective advocacy to support Refuge programs; assistance developing an inspirational visitor program; and productive collaboration with diverse partners.

    Your purchase will directly support conservation efforts on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge through its official non-profit, the Friends of Midway Atoll.

    Learn More About Friends of Midway Atoll

  • Kupu Hawaiʻi

    Supported by Kupukupu Fern Prints
    Shop Kupukupu Fern Prints

    “The kupukupu fern is one of the first plants to bring life back to the land after a lava flow. Our goal is for Kupu and its programs to restore life to the land, ocean, communities, and to the individuals we serve,” says John Leong CEO of PONO PACIFIC & KUPU HAWAIʻI.

    KUPU HAWAIʻI, a Honolulu-based non-profit, affirms the Hawaiian notion of “ma ka hana ka ʻike” or “in working one learns.” This approach has led to the creation of hundreds of green internships and service-learning opportunities to support more than 100 partner sites across Hawaiʻi and the Pacific region. A portion of proceeds from this purchase will go to KUPU HAWAIʻI.” - DS

    Learn More About Kupu Hawaiʻi

  • Nā Koa Manu Conservation: ʻAlalā Project

    Supported by Hō‘awa & The ‘Alalā Prints
    Shop Hō‘awa & The ‘Alalā Prints

    “The ‘Alalā Project is a partnership between several organizations which seek to bring these birds back to the wild through a captive breeding program. A portion of the proceeds from this print will go to one of the organizations involved in this program, the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project, which houses many of these birds.

    “Hawaiian forests are family; there is a shared ancestry among the people, plants, animals, and landscapes, including species like the ‘Alalā. By returning the ‘Alalā to the wild, we are welcoming home a family member that has been away for a long time and fulfilling our reciprocal responsibilities as stewards and ancestors of this land.” - The ʻAlalā Project

    Learn More About The ʻAlalā Project

  • National Tropical Botanical Garden

    Supported by Palapalai Fern Prints and Hāwane Prints
    Shop Hāwane Prints

    “The people at Limahuli Garden and Preserve take care of the valley by using a traditional Hawaiian holistic land management approach and live in perpetuation of the Hawaiian culture. Working there, I learned that relationships to each other and to the land are the true measure of strength and resilience in the face of change.

    I remember fondly Aunty Lahela Chandler, Aunty Aloha as many know her, greeting everyone with warmth and aloha. I see her sitting on the porch welcoming locals and visitors alike while making her palapalai lei. Limahuli valley is part of larger Hā‘ena, one of the birthplaces of Hula and an ancient hula school. Some speculate that Limahuli, which means turning hands, as in ‘hands that work and turn the aina‘ (land), was a valley that provided food for hula students and the community that called the place home. Today, Limahuli continues to metaphorically and literally feed students and anyone who comes there ready to learn.” - DS

    Learn More About Limahuli Garden and Preserve

  • Snail Extinction Prevention Program

    Supported by Kaniakapūpū Prints
    Shop Kaniakapūpū Prints

    “Kāhuli (tree snails) are attributed with song and are featured in oli, mele, and mo’olelo. They are considered hō’ailona (omens or signs) when encountered in the forest. Their colorful forms adorn plants and people alike, as their shells were used in lei. Unfortunately, they are under threat of extinction by the appetites of introduced invasive predators. Hawai’i’s Snail Extinction Prevention Program and their partners are rearing Kāhuli for reintroduction and are protecting their habitats.“

    - David Sischo, Ph.D. Snail Extinction Prevention Program Coordinator.

    A portion of proceeds from this purchase will go towards the Snail Extinction Prevention Program.

    - DS

    Learn More About the Snail Extinction Prevention Program


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